As a past president of the Texas Association of Public Insurance Adjusters (TAPIA) President Jim Beneke takes the association’s four primary goals seriously. One of these goals is to protect the rights of Texas’ insurance consumers.

Recently insurance policies in the state of Texas have begun including an “Anti-Public Adjuster” endorsement. This new language prevents the policyholder from hiring a licensed public adjuster to help in the case of a property insurance claim. This is equivalent to being audited by the IRS and not being allowed to hire your own accountant. Turning to public adjusters who are experts in property damage/loss insurance claims can make the difference between a client getting the fair settlement they are entitled to or receiving an adequate amount to restore their property.

Because of this growing infringement on insurance consumers’ rights to obtain advocacy on their behalf, Texas Representative Mary Ann Perez introduced what has been named the “Right of Contract” bill. On March 14th the Texas House of Representatives Insurance Committee held a hearing where Beneke and Art Jansen, CEO of Jansen/Adjusters International, testified in support of the bill moving on to the full House of Representatives.

Advocating for policyholders is a priority for Beneke and everyone at The Beneke Company/Adjusters International whether it is testifying in support of legislation protecting their right to be represented by professionals or helping clients on a daily basis to navigate the complex insurance claim process.

To read the official story released by TAPIA please click here. To watch Beneke’s full testimony to the Texas House of Representatives Insurance Committee please refer to the video below.